About Lisa
Oh Happy Day!
You are here and I am so excited!!
I’m Lisa Goins, Pastors Wife & Mom of 4, Speaker & Encourager of women, Founder of the She Knew Gathering, and now Author of Courageously Uncomfortable: a book that shares the deep desires of my heart to encourage women to break free of their comfort zone and pursue the life God meant for you to live, even if you have to be uncomfortable while you do it!
This is real life for me as I push forward, courageously and uncomfortably, in all God has for me to do.
My Story
I know what its like to live a life where insecurity rules the day and fear determines most of your decisions but that is not the way it was meant to be for any of us. Having not grown up in church I was completely un-groomed for the ministry (I affectionately call myself the Un-Pastors Wife) My past could gain a spot in the Bad Girls of the Bible book and many days I’m still in awe that the Love of Jesus changed the course of my life. I consider it nothing short of a miracle that I have a platform to speak into womens lives on a regular basis.
I hope we meet face to face someday, maybe at a women’s event or sharing our hearts over a cup of coffee but either way know that I am cheering for you to be all that God created you to be!

Courageously Uncomfortable
How many more surface conversations over hazelnut lattes are we going to have before we can finally say out loud, “I’m actually not fine!”
If you feel plagued with insecurity and driven by fear, if you spend too much of your time comparing yourself to others but never quite measure up, if you crave genuine conversation without the fear of being judged for current struggles or past mistakes – if this is you, you’re not alone.